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Well, there's a little lad who doesn't get past Burger King at all. [Nicholas], it's said, Jimmy Choo Shoes a gold coin overnight in each of the children's shoes. The money was taken to their father. The debt was paid. Lanterns at the ready, children in Durham celebrate their patron saint St Nicholas's day Christian Louboutin Very Noeud slingbacks Pink wick, like Big Meeting Day. The Market Place has set out its stalls, Silver Street shimmers, Sherburn Hill Salvation Army band plays See Amid the Winter Snow, as very well it might. The Bleak Mid Winter might have been appropriate, too. There's a lady dressed as a plum pudding, a gentleman as a turkey (or, possibly, a partridge in a pear tree). Christian Louboutin Very Prive 100 Studded Pumps are, come to think, several other ladies who look like Christmas puddings but only one who may mean to. Amid the winter snow, too, are a couple of guys whose high-vis jackets identify them as members of the Teesdale Search and Rescue team. This seems a little over the top until almost stumbling upon the mountains of snow fallen Christian Louboutin Very Prive 120 Peep-toe Pumps the high roofs of the Prince Bishops shopping centre onto themall below. Goodness knows how many may be flattened beneath that lot. It's Saturday afternoon, coming in dark, hundreds of lantern-bearing children forming up behind a crush barrier for a St Nicholas parade to the great cathedral. The barrier is guarded by two very large gentlemen from Durham County Council's Department of Bouncing and Ancillary Activities. The lady of this house says that the lanterns are from Ikea, thus dispelling any notion that they may have been the handiwork of Santa's elves. The photographer's uncommonly and unfestively querulous, as if auditioning for the part of Grumpy.

Par lfm23 le lundi 03 janvier 2011


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